Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Cozy for my Toesies

        Sooo This post is From Friday. I wanted to post it that night, but since it talks about my parents being out of town and what not, I decided to wait until they got back to post it (for the sake of you creepers out there reading this). Not that I don't want to open the door to you standing on my front porch wielding a steak knife, but it might be kind of awkward for both of us.

{Friday June 15th 2012}

       My parents are out of town on a business trip, which means.... no crazy toddler brothers to worry about! Jakey and Kyle are at a family friend's house until Mom and Dad get back home safely. I must say, I don't quite know what to do with myself with all this extra time on my hands. I'm kind of in love! I've gotten so much done just because I have time for myself, for once. I'm on top of the world!
    But, as great as all this extra time is, I'd give it up in a heartbeat if it meant keeping Jake and Ky here. I love 'em! It's a wonder any of us could even smile before Jake and Ky got here. They sure keep us going :) And going and going and.... going.

Yeah. Breaks are nice sometimes.
         So here I am alone on a Friday night, and what do I decide to do? Deep clean my entire house. I started around 6pm and spent maybe 4 hours scrubbing everything. Let me tell ya- it's SPARKLING all up in here! I feel goooooood. Usually by now, you'd find puzzle pieces, couch cushions or crunched up gold fish crackers scattered all over the living room floor. But not today. Because, may I remind you: there are no toddlers in this purple house tonight.
         No one is in this purple house tonight. Nobody but me. And right now I'm snuggled up on my couch in cozy sweatpants and fuzzy socks with my fluffy Tinker Bell blankie wrapped around me. I decided to watch Cupcake Champions, mostly to distract myself from freaking out (I'm home alone, remember). It's this new therapy mechanism I've been trying out. So far, it works wonders. There's just something about people obnoxiously running around over-sized kitchens that has a way of calming my troubled heart. Don't believe me? Fine then, next time something is troubling you, go watch the Food Network Channel and see for yourself. I promise it works.
        You know what I just realized?  How completely pathetic I probably sound for being so LAME and anti-social. It's Friday night- the first one of the summer, to be exact. And let's not forget the lack of parentals expecting me home... A perfect recipe for a magical, adventurous night. And I'm doing... this. Which is anything but magical. And I'm pretty sure it's the furthest thing from adventurous.
Oh well. I'm so comfy right now. Mmmmhmmm....

Not moving.

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